Buddy Pass同一日最多可以俾10個人用,除開每人只需$118.8!快啲約埋朋友一齊嚟玩啦!🎉
$1,188/10人 (平均每人 $118.8)
查詢電話:63800112 (WhatsApp)
Most things in life are more fun when you share them with friends. Climbing is definitely on that list. Grab your friends to share the FUN.
$1,188 / 10 persons (Average $118.8)
Limited to 3 sets per day, first come, first served!
Promotion Period: 1st July to 31th August 2023
* By online appointment only, and payment must be done before appointed date
* Payment must be done in three days after online appointment, otherwise the appointment will be voided automatically
* MUST be used on same day, unused passes will be expired by the end of the day
* Shoe rental fee not included
* No other special offers and promotion can be used at the same time
* Applicable during opening hours
* ONLY suitable for age 12 or above with climbing experiences
Inquiry:63800112 (WhatsApp)