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何文田新店開幕Let’s Play Together優惠  (522-525限定!)
Ho Man Tin New Shop Opening-Let’s Play Together Offers (22nd-25th May Only!)

優惠1 Offer 1: 期間限定成人及學生Day Pass 88折 22-25 May Exclusive 12% off for Adult & Student Day Pass

優惠2 Offer 2:「雙館暢攀」以$350購買美孚店及何文田店日票各一張!(2022年5月22日至7月21日入場)
「2-Day Fun」Purchase 2 Day Passes, one each for Mei Foo Shop & Ho Man Tin Shop at $350 (Entry between 22 May-21 July 2022)

優惠3 Offer 3:加倍好玩雙館票 - $1,188同時購買美孚店及何文田店月票 (有效期至2022年6月30日) Double the Fun! - $1,188 Purchasing both Mei Foo Shop and Ho Man Tin Shop Monthly Pass (valid until 30th Jun 2022)

優惠4 Offer 4:[單館] Share Passes優惠:購買何文田店兩套50張即多送你18張!共118張平均每張<$150 
[HMT] Share Passes Offer: Buy 2 sets of HMT 50 Share Passes & get 18 extra for FREE! 118 Passes in total (Less than $150/pass)

優惠5 Offer 5:[雙館] Share Passes優惠:購買何文田店50張+美孚店50張即多送10張 (何文田店5張、美孚店5張) [HMT+MF] Share Passes Offer: Purchase 50 HMT Share Passes+50 MF Share Pass=100 + Extra 10 passes (5 each for HMT & MF)

優惠6 Offer 6:購買何文田店季票可享85折、半年票享8折及年票享75折優惠(由購買日起計60日內啟用)Enjoy 15% off for Quarterly pass; 20% off for Half-year pass; and 25% off for Annual pass @HMT Shop (Activate within 60 days from the purchase date)

何文田新店開幕Let’s Play Together優惠 (下稱「優惠」)  條款及細則:

  1. 優惠有效期為 2022年5月22日早上10時正至5月25日晚上10時正。

  2. 欲享用優惠人士必須於2022年5月25日晚上10時正或以前聯絡並完成付款,逾時交易一概不獲接納。 

  3. 有意享用優惠人士可WhatsApp/Signal (5593 5828)或經何文田店Facebook/Instagram Inbox以購買優惠,惟付款方式只限於 PayMe/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  4. 意享用優惠人士亦可於何文田店營業時間內親臨以購買優惠 (星期一至五下午2時至晚上11時正;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時,請注意:接待處結束工作時間為每天營業時間早15分鐘,而優惠結束時間為2022年5月25日晚上10時正) 。

  5. 現有美孚店有效月票、季票、半年票或年票會籍,以及有效的共享票均不能於何文田店使用。入場何文田店必須另購何文田店門票。

  6. 如有查詢,可致電或WhatsApp/Signal 5593 5828與我們聯絡。

  7. 優惠條款及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。

  8. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym HMT保留最終決定權。

優惠1: 期間限定成人及學生Day Pass 88折

  1. 入場人士可以優惠價港幣$253 (原價$288 之88折) 購買日票 (學生為$192 (原價$218 之88折))。

  2. 每人每日可享有此優惠一次。

  3. 優惠1使用者可支付差價,於入場攀爬當日到訪本館接待處將日票升級至優惠3、4、5或6;或可於入場攀爬當日、接待處結束工作時間前,經WhatsApp/Signal(5593 5828)或經何文田店Facebook/Instagram Inbox以升級會籍,惟付款方式只限PayMe/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  4. 日票只限個人使用。一經購買,即使未曾使用(即未曾攀爬),均不可轉讓、退換或退款。

  5. 日票之一般條款及細則請參考



  1. 所有人士均可以$350購買美孚店及何文田店日票各一張,合共兩張門票。

  2. 持有「雙館暢攀」門票之人士可在2022年5月22日至7月21日期間任何兩天於營業時間內到訪本館美孚店及何文田店。(美孚店:星期一至五下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時;何文田店:星期一至五下午2時至11時;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時。特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布)

  3. 「雙重暢攀」門票只用作入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借。

  4. 優惠2使用者不可支付差價,將日票改購成其他優惠或升級門票至會籍。

  5. 每人只可享用此優惠一次,並只限本人使用。一經購買,即使未曾使用(即未曾攀爬),均不可轉讓、退換或退款。

  6. 持有「雙館暢攀」門票之人士到訪本館美孚店及何文田店無須事前預約。

  7. 「雙館暢攀」門票會以電子方式儲存於本館系統中,門票持有人不會持有實體/電子門票。

  8. 日票之一般條款及細則請參考

優惠3: 加倍好玩雙館票 - $1,188同時購買美孚店及何文田店月票

  1. 購買雙館月票可以優惠價港幣$1,188 (原價約75折) 同時購買美孚店及何文田店月票。

  2. 雙館月票必須於購買當日啟用,兩館會籍有效期統一至2022年6月30日。

  3. 每人只可享用此優惠一次。

  4. 月票之一般條款及細則請參考


優惠4: [單館] Share Passes優惠:購買何文田店兩套50張即多送你18張!共118張平均每張<$150

  1. 優惠4價錢為$17,296 (每套50 Share Passes價錢為$8,648),合共可獲118張Share Passes,有效期為一年,由購票日起計算。

  2. 優惠4之118張Share Passes最少1位,最多可分給5位人士作票主,惟Share Passes之分配必須於購票時清楚列明,事後不得作任何更改。每位票主均可獲一張會員卡,其票會記錄於此卡內。

  3. 參與優惠4人士可於活動期間無限次數享用此優惠 (即購買多於兩套Share Passes)。

  4. 共享票之一般條款及細則請參考


優惠5: [雙館] Share Passes優惠:購買何文田店50張+美孚店50張即多送10張 (何文田店5張、美孚店5張)

  1. 優惠5價錢為$17,296 (每套50 Share Passes價錢為$8,648),合共可獲110張Share Passes (何文田店55張、美孚店55張),有效期為一年,由購票日起計算。

  2. 優惠5之110張Share Passes只可有1位票主。票主將獲 1.何文田店會員卡一張 2. 美孚店會員卡一張,其票會記錄於此兩張卡內。如票主已有美孚店會員卡,則不會再重新獲發新卡。

  3. 參與優惠5人士可於活動期間無限次數享用此優惠 (即購買多於兩套Share Passes)。

  4. 共享票之一般條款及細則請參考


優惠6: 購買何文田店季票可享85折、半年票享8折及年票享75折優惠(由購買日起計60日內啟用)

  1. 季票、半年票或年票必須由購買日起計60日內任何一天啟用。換言之,會籍不一定須在購買當天便開始。即使沒有購買日起計60日內來臨過何文田店使用過會籍,或沒有告知我們你的會籍何時開始生效,其會籍亦會自動於購買日起計第61日生效,本館不會事先通知會員。

  2. 每人只可享用此優惠一次。

  3. 季票、半年票或年票之一般條款及細則請參考


Ho Man Tin New Shop Opening Let’s Play Together Offers Terms and Conditions:

  1. The offers are available between 10:00 22 May to 22:00 25 May 2022.

  2. Contact and payment must be completed before 22:00 25 May 2022. Overtime transactions will not be accepted.

  3.  Contact via WhatsApp/Signal (5593 5828) are available. Payment can be settled via PayMe/FPS/ATM. After completing the payment, a screenshot must be provided to confirm the transaction.

  4. Payment can also be settled in gym. (Monday-Friday 14:00-23:00; Sat, Sun and PHs 10:00-20:00. Please note that the reception will be closed 15 minutes earlier than the closing time, and the offer’s end date is 22:00, 25 May 2022).

  5. The existing MF memberships of monthly, quarterly, half-year and annual, as well as valid MF share passes, CANNOT be used at HMT shop. Purchasing the HMT entry tickets is required to enter the HMT shop.

  6. For inquiries, please contact us via WhatsApp/Signal on 5593 5828.

  7. Terms and Conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

  8. The Player Climbingym HMT reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the arrangements.


Offer 1: 22-25 May Exclusive 12% off for Adult & Student Day Pass

  1. Day Pass is available at a discounted price of HK$253 (12% off the original price of $288) for adults ($192 for students (12% off the original price of $218)).

  2. This offer can be enjoyed once per person per day.

  3. Offer 1 user can pay the difference to and visit the HMT Shop front desk on the day of entry to upgrade the Day Pass to Offer 3, 4, 5 or 6; It is also available by contacting via WhatsApp/Signal (5593 5828) Facebook/Instagram Inbox within the same day. Payment methods are only available via PayMe/FPS/ATM. After payment, you must provide a screenshot to confirm the transaction.

  4. Day Pass is for personal use only. Once purchased, the pass is NOT transferable, exchangeable, or refundable, even if it has not been used.

  5. Please refer to the general terms and conditions of the day pass on


Offer 2: 「2-Day Fun」Purchase 2 Day Passes, one each for Mei Foo Shop & Ho Man Tin Shop at $350 (Entry between 22 May-21 July 2022)

  1. All persons can buy 2 Day Passes, one each for Mei Foo Shop and Ho Man Tin Shop at $350.

  2. Holders of 「2-Day Fun」tickets can visit the gym any TWO days from 22 May to 21 Jul 2022 during the opening hours (MF Shop: Monday to Friday 14:00-22:30; Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 10:00-20:00; HMT Shop: Monday to Friday 14:00-23:00; Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 10:00-20:00. Special business hours will be announced on our Facebook and Instagram). 

  3. The 「2-Day Fun」tickets are for admission only, not including climbing shoes rental.

  4. Offer 2 CANNOT be upgraded to memberships or other offers by paying the price difference.

  5. Each person can enjoy this offer ONCE ONLY. Once purchased, the pass is NOT transferable, exchangeable, or refundable, even if it has not been used.

  6. Holders of 「2-Day Fun」tickets do not need to make an appointment in advance to visit the gym.

  7. 「2-Day Fun」tickets will be stored electronically in the gym's system, and ticket holders will not hold physical/electronic tickets.

  8. Please refer to the general terms and conditions of the day pass on

Offer 3: Double the Fun! - $1,188 Purchasing both Mei Foo Shop and Ho Man Tin Shop Monthly Pass (valid until 30th Jun 2022)

  1. Purchasing a dual monthly pass at a discounted price of HK$1,188 (about 25% off the original price).

  2. Both the MF and HMT monthly passes must be activated on the day of purchase, and the last valid date is 30th June 2022.

  3. This offer can be enjoyed once per person per day.

  4. Please refer to the general terms and conditions of the monthly pass on


Offer 4: [HMT] Share Passes Offer: Buy 2 sets of HMT 50 Share Passes & get 18 extra for FREE! 118 Passes in total (Less than $150/pass)

  1. The price of Offer 4 is $17,296 (Each set of 50 Share Passes is $8,648). Purchasers will obtain 118 Share Passes in total. The passes will be valid for 1 year, counting from the purchasing date.

  2. The 118 Share Passes could have at least one, or maximum 5 people as passes holders. However, the allocation of all Share Passes must be clearly stated at the time of passes purchase, and no changes can be made afterwards. Each ticket owner can get a membership card, and the passes will be recorded in this card.

  3. Purchasers can enjoy this offer unlimitedly within the event period (22-25 May) (i.e. Purchase more than 2 sets of Share Passes).

  4. Please refer to the general terms and conditions of the share pass on


Offer 5: [HMT+MF] Share Passes Offer: Purchase 50 HMT Share Passes+50 MF Share Pass=100 + Extra 10 passes (5 each for HMT & MF)

  1. The price of Offer 5 is $17,296 (Each set of 50 Share Passes is $8,648). Purchasers will obtain 110 Share Passes in total (55 HMT & 55 MF share passes). The passes will be valid for 1 year, counting from the purchasing date.

  2. The 110 Share Passes could have ONLY ONE passes holder. The holder will get 1. One HMT Membership Card; 2. One MF Membership Card. All passes will be recorded in these two cards. If the ticket owner already has a MF membership card, no MF new card will be issued again.

  3. Purchaser can enjoy this offer unlimitedly within the event period (22-25 May) (i.e. Purchase more than 2 sets of Share Passes).

  4. Please refer to the general terms and conditions of the share pass on


Offer 6: Enjoy 15% off for Quarterly pass, 20% off for half-year pass and 25% off for annual pass for HMT Shop (can be activated later within 60 Days from the date of purchase)

  1. The Quarterly, Half-year and Annual passes must be activated on any day within 60 Days from the date of purchase. In other words, the membership does not have to start on the day of payment. However, even if you have not visited the gym on any day within 60 Days from the date of purchase, or have not informed us when your membership takes effect, the membership will automatically take effect on the 61th day, and the gym will not make any notification in advance.

  2. Each person can only enjoy this offer ONCE.

  3. Please refer to the general terms and conditions of the Quarterly, Half-year and Annual passes on

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